It is my understanding he has tried several email addresses.
I will pass all information received to date back to him to decide what to

Thank you,

Janet Smith

> Janet,
> I received my Fall 2015 DIS Newsletter and I know the  Spring issue is in
> process by editor Dave Miller _miller42@aol.com_ (
> .
> Perhaps emails to DIS  president Bob Pries are experiencing the same
> problems as  AISdiscuss.
> Jim Morris
> In a message dated 3/12/2016 8:35:06 P.M. Central Standard Time,
> writes:
> Len  Lehman has been trying to get through to anyone involved with the
> Dwarf  Iris Society for months.  Does the society still exist?  No one  is
> answering his countless emails.
> Janet Smith
> Digital  Programs

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