Re: Calendar survey

I am responding to Robert about the Calendar Survey.The problem that I see with the Survey is that it went out to all the AIS members who have email.  However, the  people who decide to order calendars for a club, are a very small part of that number.  I know that I had an exchange with our club President, and we decided that we would probably make an early order of 10-20 in order to sell them at our show.  I don't know if she responded to the Survey yet. In other words, AIS is casting out the survey to a non-specific audience, so I am not surprised at the results.  I think it would be better to go on the feelings of the Board, based on their own experience, and decide if you should go ahead with the early calendars.  Once people know that the calendars are available, then I am sure that the response will be better.

Phyllis Wilburn, AIS Region 14 RVP

**Life shrinks or expands in proportion to one's courage**
                       Anais Nin

-----Original Message-----
From: Robert Pries <>
To: aisdiscuss <>
Sent: Tue, Mar 8, 2016 8:34 am
Subject: [AISdiscuss] Calendar survey

I feel  I need to report on the poll on News & Notes but sadly the results are a bit confusing. First we sent 3,221 e-mails only 1,085 were opened This is still high for this type of e-mail, but it is only half the number we consistently see on the last 33 N&Ns we have sent. As usual the Jigsaw puzzle is one of the most important topics but this time the topic of the Calendar of Iris Shows was just as, or more important, to our readers. But unfortunately our AIS members seemed to care very little about Calendars and the survey. Only 29 people opened the survey and at last report only half of those took the survey. Eileen Secrest produces the surveys for the marketing team and I am waiting for the results. But sadly it does not appear that not more than a few people really care about calendars. Perhaps there will be others that still are contemplating their answers. Maybe because this is our first survey it was ignored. But the topic AIS Calendars was not even opened by 1,056 readers.

Bob Pries
Zone 7a
Roxboro, NC

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