Re: Show Categories vs Judges Handbook

Thank you for the clarification.  So we cross off "novelty" ???

Janet Smith

---- Original Message ----
Subject: Re: [AISdiscuss] Show Categories vs Judges Handbook
Date: Wed, 25 Mar 2015 02:35:47 -0400

>The Novelty Iris Society being chaired by Bonnie Nichols has been
>favorably in concept by the AIS board of directors but has not been 
>as a Section at this time.  They are making progress  towards
>the board for Section status and hope to do so at the 2015  spring
>in Portland.  There is no change for 2015 affecting the  AIS
>system.  The AIS Judges' Handbook is being reviewed for  change by
>the Judges' 
>Handbook Revision Committee chaired by Betty  Roberts.  All
>suggestions for 
>modification or change should be made to her  for committee review.
>Jim Morris
>American Iris Society
>In a message dated 3/24/2015 11:54:12 P.M. Central Daylight Time,  
> writes:
>I don't  know where else to ask this so here goes.  Fresno Iris
>Society has in  their show schedule the category Tall Bearded and
>within that one of the  sections is "Novelty" and has been for years.
>Well, the question has been  raised - the Judges Handbook does not
>have that definition but in 2014 AIS  Board approved the "Novelty
>Society" and their definitions for  it.
>Okay, if the judges must use the handbook and only the handbook  I
>presume Fresno must cross off "Novelty" as a category and use 
>for anything that does not fit the rest of that  section?????
>We will be going over the schedule after the show to bring  it up to
>present day as best we can.
>Janet Smith
>Fresno Iris  Society
>P.S. If you have your affiliate's show schedule  copy I would love to
>see it!  Send to  please.

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