Re: motion to move the Operation Manual

The original plan was to have the Operations Manual be worked on then completed. Once completed, that was when it would have been presented on the AIS Website. I think Debbie is getting work well in hand and I would expect in a few months she would have a finished version to present to the board and be placed on the website. Once that will happen, I will make sure that all links provide the same information as on the website. Future changes can be added as footnotes until formally adopted and then placed on the website. There would not be two versions, but one version and a copy with possible annotations. This seems like a workable plan.
will both be linked?

"" <>
Sent: Fri, March
15, 2013 7:48:34 PM
Subject: [AISdiscuss] motion to move the Operation Manual
Hi all, I hereby withdraw my second to the motion to move the Operations
Manual from the Wiki to the AIS Web Site. John LudiAIS Director
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