Re: 2013 Spring Board Meeting in Dallas, TX


AISdiscuss program does not accept attachments.  My dear you need to
send  your reports directly to Michelle so she has them.


---- Original Message ----
Subject: Re: [AISdiscuss] 2013 Spring Board Meeting in Dallas, TX
Date: Thu, 07 Mar 2013 10:28:26 -0600

>  <head>
>    <meta content="text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1"
>      http-equiv="Content-Type">
>  </head>
>  <body text="#000000" bgcolor="#FFFFFF">
>    Michelle, have attached a list of checks (word document - checks
>    sent to AIS) I have sent you for advertising income just so you
>    check and make sure all the shipments have arrived.<br>
>    <br>
>    I have attached also:<br>
>    <br>
>    &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; My report as advertising editor (AIS Adv
>Editor Report Board Mtg
>    Apr 2013)<br>
>    &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Suggested job description for advertising
>editor (Adv Editor Job
>    Description recommendation)<br>
>    <br>
>    Ron Killingsworth<br>
>    Advertising Editor<br>
>    <br>
>    <div class="moz-cite-prefix">On 3/4/2013 10:33, Michelle Snyder
>      wrote:<br>
>    </div>
>    <blockquote cite="" type="cite">
>      <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html;
>        charset=ISO-8859-1">
>      Hello to everyone who is responsible for providing reports at
>      upcoming board meeting in Dallas.&nbsp; I am sending this out
>      early in the month so you have plenty of time to put your
>      together.&nbsp; All reports must be to me no later than
>        April 1.&nbsp; </b>This will allow me enough time to get the
>      ready to send to John for uploading to the website. &nbsp;If I
>do not
>      have your reports by that date it will be your responsibility
>      bring the report, along with enough copies for the board as
>      as outside attendees.&nbsp; This means you will need to bring
>      30 copies with you.&nbsp; Remember, all reports must be either
>word or
>      PDF. &nbsp; <br>
>      <br>
>      I would really appreciate all those responsible to make a
>      concerted effort to provide me with their reports by the
>      as I would really like to avoid the chaos that occurred at the
>      fall board meeting when so many reports were late. <br>
>      <br>
>      Reminder emails will be sent out during the month.<br>
>      <br>
>      Thank you,<br>
>      <br>
>      Michelle Snyder<br>
>      AIS Secretary<br>
>      <br>
>      <br>
>    </blockquote>
>    <br>
>  </body>

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