Good News!!

The American Iris Society is experiencing a rebirth, and we want everyone to
know our deep appreciation to the hundreds of new members who have recently
joined. To local affiliates and cooperating iris societies: we thank you for
all you do make The American Iris Society a fun, exciting society for all to


While many plants societies are recently seeing new growth, those that are
actively seeking it, are making the most gains. Regions and affiliates,
sections and cooperating societies should be alerted to the fact that people
are joining plant societies, and should plan for getting their share . The AIS
Membership Secretary will report the details of our gains at the convention,
but do not wait, plan now for membership drives. Spring and flower shows are
optimal times to get new members.


If you would like help or suggestions, contact the AIS Marketing & PR
Committee by writing to . Attend the presentation at
the convention on gaining members. The train is moving, let us see how many we
can get on board!!

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