2012 Spring Board Meeting

This email is directed to all persons responsible for supplying reports for the upcoming Spring Board Meeting in Ontario, CA.

Gerry and I plan to leave on Friday April 6 so all reports need to be to me no later than  Wednesday, April 4
so I can have an opportunity to review them and p[ass them on to John to upload to the web site.,  John has requested that all reports sent be formatted no wider than 6" so they will show better on the screen.  This means the margins must be set so the typed line is no more than 6" wide.  Remember, if you do not have your report to me by the time Gerry and I leave it will be your responsibility to bring the report to the meeting with you along with enough copies for the 19 board members plus about 10 extra for visitors to the meetings.  If you have a specific topic you want to bring up let me know and I will add it to the agenda.  I will send out reminders later in the month,

Thank you,


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