Re: Private - Reprise - Getting Back to E-Memberships


My first reaction to your suggested procedure is that it might be unnecessarily complicated.

In the first place, I'm a little uncomfortable with having anyone filtering motions on s merit basis. There have for years been rumblings of discontent based on a perception that too much power resides in AIS officers and board members without regard to the concerns of the membership. I disagree with such rumblings, but I think this is a perception that exists. A system that has even fewer individuals setting priorities on the importance of motions, or even allowing the motion to "die in the hopper" or somewhere else would fuel this (mis)perception.

In addition, AIS has such a comparatively small number of persons making motions, and these persons not each with a partisan political axe to grind or upcoming election in doubt, so such elaborate procedural rules are not needed. Submitting each motion to a committee I think would complicate things. (For one thing, our standing committees are in most cases a single individual working at a necessary job and not set up to function as a committee.)

If a motion under discussion seems to require committee consideration, a motion to table until a pro tem committee has considered and reported on the matter can always be made. A motion to table, I believe, does not require a second (I could be wrong on this matter) and always stops all discussion until a vote is taken on the motion to table. The presiding officer can not make a motion but can suggest that a matter be studied and reported on by a committee, or if she/he so wishes can ask that a motion to table be made. (And the motion to table may be made to stop consideration of the matter until some specified later time, or it can be made without qualification, in which case the matter is dead if the tabling motion passes.)

In any case, I like the idea that you are working on, and my only general suggestion is that it be made streamlined, simple and effective. I bow to others as to just what that might be :)!


On Mar 30, 2010, at 3:13 PM, John I Jones wrote:

In addition to other changes to our electronic voting processes, I had another idea that I wanted to bounce off of you both.

When a member of the House of Representatives wants to submit a bill for consideration, they "drop it in the Hopper."

Then the House Parliamentarian, at the delegation of the Speaker of the House, refers each measure to the appropriate committee(s) of jurisdiction, and the bill proceeds through its approval process.

I am thinking that we should have a "Hopper" so that in the event that a motion may not be introduced on AISDiscuss, it may be held in abeyance until the appropriate time and then introduced to the list on behalf of the initiator. The AIS Secretary would be the "keeper of the Hopper" and the AIS President would provide the priority for introducing the motions based on their evaluation of the significance of the motion and its importance to the conduct of AIS business.

What do you think?


On Mar 30, 2010, at 8:26 AM, Michelle Snyder wrote:


If you are really making a new motion it can not be intertained until the period for voting on the existing motion has ceased which won't be until April 5.


On 3/30/2010 8:03 AM, John I Jones wrote:
I move that the AIS immediately stop offering multiple year Irisregister subscriptions.


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