Magazine binders, and motion

Magazine Binders:


Now that we have a super new AIS Bulletin I like many people would like to save them and store them on my bookshelves. Years ago I took advantage of an offer made by two of the journals I subscribed to. They offered binders that looked like a book and could hold the journals in place without punching holes or changing the journal. When each binder is full it is very much like a book in appearance and presents a nice image on the bookshelf with what looks like a leather bound book and the name of the journal in gold leaf.  I searched the internet and found the following hobby journals that offer the same type of binders. here are links to Classic Toy Trains;  , Garden Trains:

and Brew Your Own;

 Notice the different price offered is between $14 and $20 But that is the retail cost. The AIS could have their own distinctive covers created at much less. I would like to make a motion That  AIS offer Magazine binders for the bulletin. The motion can be ameded but I want to initiate a discussion.

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