Re: Motion regarding advertising on AIS website

I had given some thought to charging to have a photo placed in the rotating library, and we could do that, but I would like to get some experience with the project to find out if, in fact, all pictures in the library get uniform exposure (as indicated by a page view count). It would be unfair if photos that were higher up on the list get more exposure than those lower on the list.


On Mar 4, 2010, at 7:34 AM, wrote:

An observation: Other web sites charge fees for advertising of the type this motion would give gratis. Paid advertising in printed media is decreasing each year, but growing by leaps and bounds on the internet. If I had a new iris to promote, which I do not, I would gladly pay to have it pictured on the AIS web page. Clarence Mahan

-----Original Message-----
From: Michelle Snyder <>
Sent: Thu, Mar 4, 2010 12:41 am
Subject: [AISdiscuss] Motion regarding advertising on AIS website

John Jones moved and Ruth Barker seconded the below motion which is now open for discussion. 
"I move that any business that, by virtue of their advertising in the AIS Bulletin, qualifies for listing on the Commercial Directory on the AIS website be allowed to submit one (1) iris picture to be included in the rotating library on the AIS Home page. Said pictures to be included in the library from February through May for Bearded irises and June through September for beardless irises and that said time frames be at the discretion of the Electronic Services Committee Chair." 
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