Re: Exhibition supplies

In a message dated 3/1/2010 12:48:54 P.M. Central Standard Time, writes:
Once we receive the 2009 Show reports from Susan we will start processing them and getting EC's and Medals sent to the affiliates.  We will then be able to provide a 2009 Exhibition report as we are building that as we process each show report.  We have set a goal of getting 2009 Shows done by the end of March.  For your info we have already sent EC's and medals for 15 2009 shows based on copies we have received.  Karen and Ray
Karen and Ray Jones
Thank you for this response.  When you have the 2009 Exhibition Report assembled I would appreciate an advance copy before Bulletin printing.  In the past I have extracted all the median winners (both adult and youth) for printing in the MIS The Medianite and would like to continue that practice.
Jim Morris

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