Strategic Planning Committee
The American Iris Society needs to formulate a vision and a strategic plan
for the next three-year period. This plan would set forth goals and
objectives with timelines for achieving the stated goals and objectives. An
essential part of such a plan will be the performance of a SWOT (strengths,
weaknesses, opportunities, threats) analysis of the organization. It has
often been said that if you do not know where you are going you will never
get there.
Therefore, the AIS President would entertain the following motion:
That the AIS President appoint an ad hoc committee to formulate a strategic
plan for The American Iris Society. This committee would be: Gary White,
Chair; Jeanne Clay Plank (Policy and historical perspective); Jill Bonino
(Finances); Bob Pries (Publicity and Marketing); Debra Straus (RVP 17).
Note: The AIS President is by the Bylaws an ex-officio member of all
Thank you,
E. Roy Epperson
President, The American Iris Society
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