Re: E-memberships

I'm back! Hi all.
Just speculating on the impact that e-members might have on membership.
INTERNATIONAL? Eliminating the exhorbitant mailing cost and time delays of sending hard copies around the world. I suspect that we would almost immediately double, triple, quadruple our international memberships. We would not have to charge them extra (overseas shipping) for participating. We could become a "world iris society" without even knowing it.
INTERNATIONAL TRANSLATIONS? Some of this is happening now, especially from Japan. When I type a message to someone in Japan and a whole bunch of strange symbols show up on the screen, it is really spooky. This could happen with articles. Our E-Bulletin could have international translations. Sometimes they sound funny but I even appreciate that.
YOUTH MEMBERS? My grandkids are better on a computer than I am. The younger generation is firmly tuned into this type of communication. Reduced rates for youth e-members would be easy.
VOTING RIGHTS? Eventually, we could have a push button symposium on line? Maybe even a judges ballot?
COST OF HARD COPIES? Probably traditional memberships will drop. This will increase the unit cost of publishing traditional bulletins. E-memberships would have to cover the increased costs? Should not be a problem.
SHOPPING CARTS.? For paying memberships; buying supplies for shows or from the storefront. Others??
OTHERS?-Uncle Roy would even get his bulletin in the same year as the rest of us? Just kidding Roy!
-What we need now is a web-guy/gal guru who doesn't sleep!
Have a good night, sleep tight.
The garden looked great today during a dry moment. Cleanup is under way. All is well in the NW!

Jill Bonino wrote:

This is great discussion....
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