Re: AIS Bulletins
In a message dated 3/22/2006 7:53:39 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, writes:
From someone who lives in Australia - is the postal system privatised in the
If not it looks like your postal system is pretty bad from this distance. It
makes me want to contact our postal system and see what their systems are as
we never have this sort of problem - but then our population base is a whole
lot smaller overall. Now I understand why articles from the US take so much
longer than anywhere else.
Pat Toolan
South Australia
The USPS is remarkably efficient and effective. The AIS has been mailing the
Bulletin to its members since 1920. I have served on the Board since 1991
and throughout the 90s I heard of no systematic problem of Bulletin delivery in
the US. Oh, there would be the isolated failure to receive, late receipt or
damaged Bulletin from time to time---but these were isolated incidents. It
does not make sense to me that suddenly the postal service would deteriorate. I
continue to believe that the problem is our mailer. Clarence Mahan
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