Jan Bulletin

It might interest you to know that the January Bulletin arrived today  
Monday, March 6, 2006.  I would suggest that whatever mailing process and  service 
we are using is insufficient.  Good thing for my purposes I had  received an 
advance copy from Bruce.  
I would hope the Board is going to see some sort of a detailed written  
report/proposal with printing and mailing bids (using the same specifications!)  
prior to the actual Board meeting in Portland.  When some folks in  Washington 
and Union, MO told me Saturday they just received the Bulletin on  Friday, I 
found it hard to believe until today when our copy arrived.  It  is my opinion 
that both copy and printing deadlines should be moved forward so  that the 
Bulletin is at least mailed in the same month that it is  dated.
Jim M.

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