Re: Good News

I share Susan's enthusiasm for all the work that Bob has one. A remarkable job by a remarkable irisarian. 
Don Rue 

----- Original Message -----
From: "Susan Grigg" <> 
Sent: Wednesday, June 26, 2013 9:41:42 AM 
Subject: RE: [AISdiscuss] Good News 

Thanks to Bob Pries for the insight, to the AIS Board for its approval, and 
to all the contributors for making the Iris Encyclopedia such a remarkable 
tool for AIS and the public! Thanks also to Tim and Chris for making the 
move so transparent for us, the users. 

Susan Grigg 

-----Original Message----- 
From: [] 
On Behalf Of Robert Pries 
Sent: Wednesday, June 26, 2013 7:57 AM 
To: AISdiscuss 
Subject: [AISdiscuss] Good News 

I have lots of good news!! After months of anguishing and agonizing over the 
impending move of the Iris Encyclopedia to a new server, it is done. Thanks 
to Tim Valenzuela and Chris Lindsey the move was accomplished without ever 
taking the wiki down but it was in read only mode for a couple of weeks. Now 
everything should be operational. 

Tim has proven to be very helpful and has made some suggestions that will 
make the wiki even faster, even though its speed is already greatly 
improved. I asked Tim for a count of images on the Encyclopedia and 
discovered there are over 200,000 now. Wow! Our wiki workers have been busy. 
But, he also noted that there were settings in place that were preventing 
Google web crawlers and other search engines from recording our site and 
fixed that. Now more and more searches for a particular Iris will find the 
Iris Encyclopedia. Look for more and more people discovering AIS! 

With success, also comes, problems. Robots continue to place pages on the 
site. Because of the site structure users never see them. But it is annoying 
to find them in administrative areas and we have been deleting them. 
Presently there are, only a couple, to a handful, each day, but as usage 
grows so will threats. To alleviate these we may have to delete all user 
names that do not follow the new format of FirstnameLastname. These people 
which is probably less then 10%, will have to reregister. 
B Now we can get back to work. Expect the wiki to continue to improve. I am 
eager to hear your ideas. I went to Wikipedia and noted they have a donation 
link on the left sidebar of their home page. I followed it to the donation 
landing page and really thought the way it is laid out is great. I would 
like to do the same for the Encyclopedia. I would like your opinions. 

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