Re: Motion to wrap the Irises Bulletin

Hello all, Just returned from the AIS Region 13 Spring Convention/Meeting.
Inquiring the attendees (approx 50), I had no reports of damaged copies of
IRISES received through the mail. Members in attendance were from eastern &
western Washington and north & central Oregon. As a suggestion for the damaged
copies, take pictures of the damage copies to include the individual mailing
address and date, forward these to a central location/individual on the Board.
After a set period of time for input, take what is submitted with a cover
letter and send the packet to USPS Headquarters. I firmly believe if we do not
forward a complaint nothing will be done to correct a problem.  John
LudiDirectorAIS Storefront

---------- Original Message ----------
From: Michelle Snyder <>
Subject: [AISdiscuss] Motion to wrap the Irises Bulletin
Date: Wed, 05 Jun 2013 20:12:38 -0700

Hello all.

 Debra Strauss moved and Bob Pries seconded the below motion.   As such it is
now officially out for discussion.

"That we "plastic wrap" the AIS bulletin "Irises" for mailing."Michelle
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