Fwd: motion to purchase new laptop for electronic services chair

Sorry,  one more yes vote received that I didn't count.  Total yes votes 14.


-------- Original Message --------
Subject: motion to purchase new laptop for electronic services chair
Date: Tue, 19 Jun 2012 12:50:02 -0700
From: Michelle Snyder <AISSecretary@irises.org>
To: aisdiscuss@aisboard.org

Hello all,

The time for voting on the below motion has now passed.  I am pleased to 
state the motion passed with thirteen (13) yes votes and zero no votes.

"That the Electronic Services Chair be authorized to spend up to 
$1500.00 to purchase a new laptop system and software as the property of 
the AIS for use by the Electronic Services Chair. Said Funds to be 
allocated from the Electronic Services Restricted fund."


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