Re: Emeritus Judges

Robert you have just confused me!

So you are saying that a "judge" who also holds an office should be
considered for Emeritus?????  What does holding an office have to do
with judging?

I do agree if a one judges an affiliate show that is on the national
level because the show is AIS approved.


---- Original Message ----
Subject: Re: [AISdiscuss] Emeritus Judges
Date: Mon, 18 Jun 2012 08:54:44 -0400 (EDT)

>the exact wording in the Judges Handbook is "Appointment as Emeritus
>Judge is based on service at the national level that goes far beyond
>the expected conscientious performance as an AIS Judge" This does not
>state that the candidate must serve in a national office. My
>interpretation would include someone whos work would have a large
>impact including important regional responsibilities that make the
>entire system work. I believe a narrow interpretation would be too
>limiting and ignore the fact that we are all part of a national
>organization. Judges who travel outside their region to give judges
>trainings and or judge shows are then acting at a national level.
>Whenever more then one region is involved you are acting at a
>national level. If they hold office in Sections or cooperating
>societies they are acting at a national level. We have many examples
>of emeritus judges who have done no more that these things. 
>----- Original Message -----
>Why I have NOT Read IT, I was told by a Judges Trainer that the
>states that This award is for Service done on the NATIONAL LEVEL ONLY
>??  What
>is the truth here??  I have some Regional People that are deserving.
>Boyce R3VP
>-----Original Message-----
>From: Judy Keisling <>
>To: aisdiscuss <>
>Sent: Mon, May 21, 2012 12:45 pm
>Subject: Re: [AISdiscuss] Emeritus Judges
>There is no limit as to how many can be nominated by one person or
>from one
>rom: Fran & Henry Day <>
>ent: Mon, May 21, 2012 11:13:31 AM
>ubject: Re: [AISdiscuss] Emeritus Judges
>Could I nominate two judges from Region 23?
>Fran Day
>RVP, Region 23
>----- Original Message -----
>rom: "Robert Pries" <>
>ent: Monday, May 14, 2012 1:44:31 PM
>ubject: Re: [AISdiscuss] Emeritus Judges
>Each year I am reminded that our society has been growing older. Many
>of the
>udges in AIS have been judges for more than ten years. Many have also
>ery hard for the organization in many capacities, at the regional
>level and
>r the sectional level and a few on the AIS board. Whatever, I am
>here are many, whose service has gone beyond the expected
>erformance as judge. I also believe there are several judges whose
>service at
>he national level has gone without additional recognition. Look
>around you
>nd reflect on the judges you know. Many of us forget that it is we
>ominate these special judges for Emeritus Judges. I am certain there
>udges who are deserving of this status, but no one has bothered to
>send a
>ecommendation for the board to consider. I expect to nominate at
>least one.
>ut I expect there are several others who should be so recognized.
>There have
>een a number of gaps in recent years where few or no recommendations
> B to the board. Considering the demographics of our society and how
>any individuals have been through the years, one would expect a much
>ohort of our judges to be Emeritus. Note Emeritus does not means they
>udging, and there is no limit to how many deserving judges can be
>meritus. Personlly I think AIS has some catch up to do.
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