While it is very unusual for a relatively 'young' laptop (3 years) to crash, I wonder if any steps were taken to see if repairs could be made (i.e. new hard drive, etc.)? According to IRS rules, a laptop/computer has a life of 5 to 7 years - generally the operating system becomes obsolete before the actual mechanism does. Tom should definitely get the newer operating system and software to make his job easier, and we need to act ASAP. Would it be possible to have repairs done to the laptop for a back-up system? Instead of using Rita's. Cheryl > Date: Thu, 24 Jun 2010 13:07:53 -0700 > From: AISSecretary@irises.org > To: aisdiscuss@aisboard.org > Subject: [AISdiscuss] Motion to purchase new computer for MemSec > > Jill Bonino moved and Jerry Coates seconded the below motion. As such, > it is now open for discussion. > > "That the AIS Board authorize the Membership Secretary to purchase a new > laptop and necessary software for the MemSec operations with a budget no > larger than $1,000." > > Michelle Snyder > AIS Secretary > > --------------------------------------------------------------------- > To sign-off this list, send email to the AIS Secretary > <aissecretary@irises.org> > The archives for AISDiscuss are at: > http://www.aisboard.org/lists/aisdiscuss/ Hotmail is redefining busy with tools for the New Busy. Get more from your inbox. See how. |