Re: Iris images with registrations

I am a hybridizer and I have been regularly submitting images with registration.  I am anxious to do it for two reasons beyond the fact it is required.

First as a relatively new hybridizer, i like my descriptions backed up with a picture.  This helps me write up the descriptions and have them reviewed.  Second, it’s another helpful way to promote my irises to others.

I suspect some of the big boys (I don’t know who is not complying) find it a chore to submit pictures with registration in addition to using their pictures to a catalog and website.  Only the registrar knows for sure who is complying and who is not.

As I go through my Picacho Mountain Iris garden, I take a photo of every iris that blooms there and put it in a file by year.  I look at my reselect seedlings for form, bud count, plant, branching and number of rhizomes left after blooming.  I will record height and bloom season as well bud count and put that information on the file name along with the seedling number.  If it is an iris that is worthy of introduction, I have all the information I need with the photo, so it is easy to use that photo with registration.

As I’m a one man show, photos with registration are not a hardship for me.

I look forward to hearing from the other hybridizers to see how we can improve compliance.

Howie Dash

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On Saturday, July 25, 2020, Wayne Messer <> wrote:

My original thought was to invite hybridizers who aren't submitting photos.  We might learn why they are not submitting photos.  And possibly discover what we might do to make it easier for them.

On further reflection, I would also include hybridizers who are submitting photos.  Are they finding advantages to submitting photos?  Or do they have tips to make it easier?

Wayne Messer

On Fri, Jul 24, 2020 at 2:47 PM Jody Nolin <> wrote:
Feel free to share the invite with them.

Jody Nolin

On Thu, Jul 23, 2020 at 9:27 PM 'Lois Rose' via AISTalk <> wrote:
None of the hybridizers in my local affiliate are on AISTalk, and I can think of a lot within my Region who are not.  If the intent is to encourage hybridizers to participate in the Zoom meeting, then perhaps RVPs should urge all their affiliate presidents to spread the word to hybridizers.  (Sorry, I missed last night's meeting.  Frantically preparing for my affiliates sale on Saturday, which is going to be held.)

Lois Rose 
AIS Exhibitions Committee 

-----Original Message-----
From: <>
Sent: Thu, Jul 23, 2020 8:41 pm
Subject: Re: Iris images with registrations

I believe that there are are number of hybridizers on this list. It would be dangerous to invite a limited group at the risk of leaving some off. 

It does raise the question of how we make sure that official meeting are advertised since they are technically open.  Who is and who isn’t on AIS talk?

Neil Houghton

Sent from my iPad

On Jul 23, 2020, at 5:52 PM, Wayne Messer <> wrote:

Hi Jody,

Are there any hybridizers we should send a separate invitation to?  Ones that are not on AIS Talk.  Neil might have some names.

Wayne Messer

On Thu, Jul 23, 2020 at 1:54 PM Jody Nolin <> wrote:
At last night's Board meeting, there was a lot of discussion about the requirement to send images of irises with registration forms. 
In 2011, the Board passed a motion requiring images to be submitted with registrations. It was revisited and passed again in 2017, with the Image Coordinator to establish criteria and procedures.
So far , for 2019 registered irises, only 41% have images submitted.

The Board agreed to set up a meeting to discuss this issue.
Please join us.  Here is the invitation.

The American Iris Society is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: AIS Meeting re: Registration Images
Time: Jul 29, 2020 05:00 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 435 857 0936
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Thanks, as always
Jody Nolin

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