Re: Your AIS Show, recognition!

No let's not get off topic of my request.  What Fresno Iris Society
is researching is what is handed out.  These are to the winners of a
section, group:  Ribbons, small trophies, plates, cups etc.  We are
not talking about may be winners etc.  We are talking about when you
have an AIS Show what do you hand out---ribbons, certificates, what.

Janet Smith

---- Original Message ----
Subject: Re: [AISdiscuss] Your AIS Show, recognition!
Date: Fri, 31 Jul 2015 16:58:31 -0400

>MVIS has given out vases to the winner of best of show and runner up
>for years.  It is listed in our AIS sanctioned show book under the
>awards section.
>As to the 501 (c) (3) we just received ours as of July 1, 2014.  I am
>not aware of any restriction for giving awards to show winners,
>members or non-members.  If there are any restrictions I certainly
>need to know about it.
>Howie Dash
>RVP Region 23/MVIS
>Sent from AOL Mobile Mail
>Get the new AOL app:
>On Friday, July 31, 2015, Susan Grigg <>
>My affiliate, Eastern North Carolina Iris Society, gives only
>ribbons. We don't like the idea of giving gifts to members who might
>win; it doesn't comply with our Bylaws and the 501 (c) 3 designation
>we have. If we had only non-members entering shows we would
>reconsider this policy. Susan Grigg
>On 7/30/2015 9:31 PM, George and Janet Smith wrote: > Hello Fellow
>Irisians, > > The Fresno Iris Society members would like to know your
>practices > and/or suggestions for additional recognition that your
>club gives to > the winners of your AIS Shows. Besides the designated
>ribbons, does > your club give plaques, trophies, gift certificates,
>plates, pins, > art, cash awards, etc.? We hope to create additional
>interest and > excitement in the community with creative awards and
>increase entries > in the future shows. > We hope to receive your
>feedback by September 29th for discussion at > the October 5th
>society meeting. > > Please contact : > > Rosemarie Bauer
>	559-908-0200 > Marilyn O?Neill
>	209-761-4475 > > Sent by Janet Smith, President
>Fresno Iris Society, California	> > > >
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