Re: July AIS Bulletin for Emembers

The AIS members (you and me included) passed the appropriate Bylaws changes 
 that defined and implemented the e-membership category in 2011.  It  
resulted from committee work and was discussed to death at a board meeting  
before being presented to the general membership for approval.  
Despite yeoman efforts by many board members to reduce AIS costs, we have  
operated under a deficit budget for about five years.  Long-time Life  
members have had their dues accrued (used up) for quite some time and are  in 
effect "getting a free ride" and that is okay, but must be willing to  help on 
new services. The online registration database irisregister, has  been from 
its inception, a SERVICE that was paid for separately from any  AIS 
Membership class.   AIS Life Members were not given gratis  subscriptions to 
irisregister. They had to pay from the beginning. AIS  could not have developed it 
if not for the Electronic Services Restricted  Fund (ESRF) developed by 
money from the Geek Dinner auction. Since  that time the irisregister fees have 
covered their own costs and provided  additional funding for other 
electronic services projects and  enhancements.  But AIS could not afford the OCR 
scanning of past Bulletins  so we were fortunate that the AIS Foundation paid 
for it, I believe around  $18,000.  The big point is that our existing 
membership dues structure  doesn't pay for the benefits received.  Do we want to 
raise the dues  to the $40 that would sustain us?  I don't think so as I 
believe that we  would lose even more members just when it looks like we have 
started  increasing.  Maybe the current $30 dues and $10 electronic services  
(emembership) is more appropriate.   

John Jones pointed out  that:  To provide a basis of value for the AIS 
E-Membership irisregister  was made part of the E-Membership. The then current 
subscribers to irisregister  were made AIS E-Members. The subscription fee 
for irisregister had been $10.00  per year since it was made a paid-for 
service in September of 2003. In light of  that and that the Board wished to 
enhance e-services with the addition of more  electronic content, the Board set 
the annual fee for E-Membership at $15.00. No  discounts for multiple year 
subscriptions were established.
 The big point is that our existing membership dues structure doesn't  pay 
for all the benefits received.  Do we want to raise the dues to  the $40 
that would sustain us?  Do we want to decrease the Bulletin to  three issues 
from four?  I don't think so as I believe that we would lose  even more 
members just when it looks like we have started increasing.   Maybe $30 dues and 
$10 electronic services (emembership) is more  appropriate.  

Perhaps we should re-address the issue at our fall board meeting in  
November.  Suggestions and/or proposals would be welcomed.  We would  like for 
those who have responded here to be part of the solution not the  problem.
Thank you for reading this.  Please help us out. 

In a message dated 7/30/2012 2:20:58 P.M. Central Daylight Time, writes:

And do  the by laws permit these types of memberships? What do they say  

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