Re: communications

As a new RVP, I have had difficulty finding out what I can do and what I am required to do. 
I also find the web site difficult to navigate. I needed to find criteria for the Cosgrove Award and it was out of place in the alphabet in General Info; not included under awards, and came to light only when I went to the youth section. My logic and its logic are sometimes not in line. 
Similarly, this a.m. I raised questions about the Symposium which I had answered using google almost as soon as Judy wrote telling me where I could find the ballot. The page on the web does not tell me where to send the results when I get them (and if I do). 
I think there are real problems that have to do with the transition into electronic communication. 
The info we need is available but the way to get too it is sometimes unclear. 
You, however, have always provided answers to questions i had about affilation. 

----- Original Message -----
From: "Susan Boyce" <> 
To: "aisdiscuss" <> 
Sent: Friday, July 20, 2012 3:03:07 PM 
Subject: RE: [AISdiscuss] communications 

I don't necessarily think that everything is apathy, but other things come 
into play. Working with people in the Affiliations process and also as the 
Exhibition Supply clerk, I have gotten alot of notes that come with the 
paperwork, and I hear alot of things why this or that is late in coming to me. 
I see a couple of common themes. 
Some leaders seek the prestige the title "President" or "RVP" has with it. 
Unfortunately when they obtain that title, they do nothing. Some leaders are 
so busy with work and other family obligations, that their iris obligations do 
not get done. Some are just plain out procrastinators, and a few just don't 
We need to get members to be leaders that have that WILL DO attitude, and 
you can count on them to get things done. 

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