Re: Proposed bylaws amendment notice - electronic membership

 Gerry wrote:I am not talking about "one more non fiscally responsible membership" and I resent that implication.

The actual cost to AIS (at least that I have seen) for handling e-memberships is small. Very low e-dues would make money.

It seemed to me that there was overlap in what the two kinds of memberships would provide, and a reduction in dues for carrying both would be appropriate. I will welcome being shown otherwise, but that has not happened yet.

Gerry: I apologize for being so brusk: The board will set the prices and if they choose to create a discount for having two types of memberships simultaneously they can do so. But at present my cost analysis is that e-membership will not be as cheap as you suspect. 4 years ago we authorized as a board $9K to redesign the website. If creating this new area is anywhere close to that effort and I expect it would be a lot greater than that, then we need to have the money for its proper development. I have asked in the past for estimates of its cost, but to date have no real data. The wiki will also incur more costs as it grows. Those costs need to be included. As you know, your work on the electronic ballot saved us thousands of dollars and Everyone should be aware of that, and grateful for your work. But to my knowledge there has been no real enumeration of all the services we could provide, their potential costs and how long it would take to get them. If we have to pay outside comtractors we may have only minmal development. If we can accomplish much of the effort with our present membership than I am confident that the creation and maintenance could be covered by a $15 membership but I would suggest we wait with possible discounts until the real costs are known. In fact the cost would be moot if we do not change the bylaws to allow this creation. It would be good if e-dues could make at least a little money to offset the loss we already have with print membership.

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