Texas AIS Region 17 Happy 50th Birthday Invite

Sorry all the top was spaced crazy and the bottom completely messed up.
Below is the bottom part and maybe it is not as fancy but maybe you can make
heads or tails of it.

Remember, if you cannot come party with us, we would love to receive a "best
wishes happy birthday" letter from each of you to read at our banquet and
for our historian to save in our archives.  The Waco President is: Peggy
Cathey 1115 HCR 1414 Covington, TX 76636 254-854-2558
natvtxn1@windstream.net. Please send all best wishes to her.

Please excuse the mess...Debbie R17 VP

American Iris Society Region 17's 50th Annual Meeting
August 14-15, 2009
Clarion Hotel
801 S. 4th Street @ I H 35 Waco, Texas
Room rate: $85.00 per night plus tax.  50+ even less with on-line
registration. This includes continental breakfast.
Deadline: For room reservation at group rate July 24, 2009.
Agenda 50 Years in Texas
Friday, August 14
3 - 6 pm  Registration
7 - 10 pm Texas Barbeque "Rhizome Bingo a new twist on the old timey game"
Saturday, August 15
8 - 11:30 am Registration
8 - 8:30 am  Judges Training Registration (Everyone Welcome)
8:30 - 11:30 am Judges Training: Ethics and Awards Judy Keisling AIS 1st VP
AIS Judges Training Chair
11:30 am - 1 pm  Lunch on your own
1 - 2 pm  Region 17 Meeting (Everyone Welcome)
2:15 - 5 pm  Rhizome Auction featuring Texas Hybridizers
7 - 9 pm  Banquet - Texas Chicken Fried Steak 
Guest speaker - Judy Keisling, AIS 1st VP & Judges Chair 
Registration Form
Judge Type
R17 Officer or Chair Title
City        Zip                   
Phone (H)       (C)
Registration Fee  $50.00
 (Includes Friday & Saturday evening meals)
Late Registration Fee $60.00 (after Aug. 8)                      
Registration by the Day
Friday    $25.00                       
Saturday  $35.00                       
Judges Training Class  $5.00
 (Not included in the Registration Fee)
Total Enclosed
Check #                          

Send check made payable to Waco iris Society and completed Registration Form
to: Mitch Whitley 812 Dayton Drive Robinson TX  76706

For more information contact Jim Landers 710 N 11th Street Temple TX  76501
254-773-5017 jimlanders43@hotmail.com 

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