Status of 2007 AIS Photo Contest

Hello everyone,
            Our 2007 Photo Contest again has had excellent participation this
year.   We've had about a 10%  increase in the number of photos entered this
year.  I am again pleased and amazed at the talent of our exhibitors.  I think
our AIS membership and participants have met the challenge of finding special
photos in categories other than just close ups, as the percentage of photos
across the other categories is increasing.  However, close-ups still remain
the largest category.
            Last year we had two entries from France, this year we had three
entries from France, and two entries from Germany.
            Last year we had one youth entry, this year we have three youth
entries.   The photo quality of the youth entries is remarkable, as I believe
a couple of their entries will compete very favorably in the other categories
as well.
            I'm estimating over fifty percent of the exhibitors are new this
year, but I am also glad to see many repeat contestants.   I so much enjoy
viewing and admiring the entries, as some pretty outstanding photos are quite
evident.   I believe some of the exhibitors are enjoying the competition
aspect of submitting exceptional photos, not just the possibility of receiving
an award.
            Our contest was published in two bulletins last year, this year it
was published in one.    Although a couple of entries arrived late in May, the
majority arrived in the month of June, with the usual rush the last week and
trailers after the deadline of June 30th.    I plan to have the judging
completed by the end of July, and results off to the AIS bulletin editor and
AIS webmaster by August 15th.
            It has been real fun to run this contest, and hope you all will
enjoy the results when they are known.
Kitty Loberg
AIS Photo Contest Chair
Redwood Valley, Calif.

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