Motion for approval

Yesterday I posted some rather strong words critical of the board. I do not wish them to be misconstrued. The board is made up of many fine individuals who spend enormous amounts of time and their own money to serve. Perhaps it is because we have such a rich body of individual talents that I become even more frustrated. I am a part of the board and so my criticism is also self-criticism, but I do not direct it at any individual. I think that the problem is that because of our collective talents, I keep expecting there to be a synergism where the whole is equal to more than the sum of its parts. Instead, like most boards and governing bodies, it seems to add up to less. The motion that I bring to the board is yet another example of trivialities. But unfortunately that is the way we have constructed our business. We make it more difficult to move forward with any initiative. We amended our previous position but as I suggest it could stand a further refinement. To me it seems much easier to make a phone call to the president than asking for permission from the editor in writing.

Bob Pries
Zone 7a
Roxboro, NC

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