I agree with Tom; It seems silly to think Sections, Regions, and Affiliates may assume permission but AIS's own PR committee would have to seek written permission from the AIS editor. It seems to me a more coherent policy that approval from the president would be appropriate. What the AIS PR and Marketing committee does is always with the consultation of the president. What is our president allowed to do? We have seen he can not make appointments without board approval and yet I can make appointments to my committee for tasks and responsibilities. That was how the Social Media Manager came about. I wish the board could do some macro managing instead of having to oversee a dollar increase in a fee. I never hear the board coming forth with "Here is an idea to solve our dwindling Membership" Now maybe that is a topic the board could work on. It seems to me the president should be able to make some of the day to day decisions and seek the board's guidance for BIG issue. That is what I call oversight.--BP
-----Original Message-----
From: Robert Pries <101p@rewrite.aisboard.org>
Sent: Jan 9, 2016 12:52 PM
To: aisdiscuss@aisboard.org
Subject: Re: [AISdiscuss] Motion for approval
Currently we have no Editor but two temps. If the board agrees that either of these could grant permission I would find that acceptable. But it seems to me that when it comes to advertising or promoting the society that vision should lie in the hands of the president. Perhaps we should give that authority to both the president and or the editor. From the continued statement I assume the AIS Marketing committee could use any of this material already and that we need not ask for permission. Is that everyones understanding?
From: "Ron K" <102w@rewrite.aisboard.org>
To: aisdiscuss@aisboard.org
Sent: Saturday, January 9, 2016 11:58:45 AM
Subject: Re: [AISdiscuss] Motion for approval
When you talk about "journals" and or "bulletin" I assume you mean issues of IRISES. The information inside IRISES (usually inside front cover, page 4 of Spring 15 and Fall 15 issues) says, "Reproduction in whole or in part of the publication including photos, articles, clip art and logos without the expressed, written permission of THE EDITOR (emphasis added) is strictly prohibited."
The statement continues on and gives permission for sections, co-op societies and affiliates to use without written formal permission.
Either the editor has this authority or the statement in IRISES needs to be amended.
Ron Killingsworth, Advertising Editor, IRISES
On 1/9/2016 10:19 AM, Robert Pries wrote:The marketing committee was brainstorming before Christmas about ways to promote AIS. One way that has never been utilized in recent years is to get people interested in a subject and shown them an example of information about that subject that is available if you are a member. Actually most of you are too young to remember that AIS used to put out a limited number of reprints. For those who know the modern world a reprints were common for many journals way back in the 50’s and 60’s where an article of interest was published as a separate unit and distributed to interested parties on request. It was felt then that it promoted the journal. Today all of this is done by e-mail. If one was interested in promoting ones journal often reprints would be advertised as available on request. This was very common in the scientific community of which I was a part.
It was suggested that there could be a variety of ways in which we could use this marketing technique to promote the AIS bulletin by making available an article from the past or even perhaps occasionally present Bulletins. On further thought it was noted that presently every use of a bulletin article requires a motion by someone to the board and then board approval. For example I remember the New Zealand Iris Society requesting the use of an article to be reprinted in their project a few years ago. Although it only took 15 minutes at a board meeting to approve it who knows how long their request was submitted before we had the meeting. I cannot remember the board ever denying such approval. If we had five requests a year, that would mean five e-mail discussions for two weeks each. We would have to repeat the discussions that have already occurred within committee again for the board. Al this work just to get started on a promotion tends to kill any effort. I would like to make the motion that the AIS president has the authority to approve uses of Bulletin articles being reprinted.
Bob Pries
Zone 7a
Roxboro, NC
Bob Pries
Zone 7a
Roxboro, NC
Tom Gormley AIS Membership Secretary PO Box 177 DeLeon Springs, FL 32130 386-277-2057