Re: Affiliate Officer AIS Membership Question


Article III, Section 2, (f) of the AIS Bylaws says (in part)

Electronic membership shall be the same as other
forms of memberships with the exception that an 
emember shall not receive the bulletin in a printed
form but shall have access to it electronically.

So Yes e-membership qualifies for the affiliate member officer requirement.


John and Joanne Jones
Registrar-Recorders, American Iris Society

Director, American Iris Society

35572 Linda Drive
Fremont, CA 94536

> On Jan 8, 2016, at 7:52 PM, Howie Dash <> wrote:
> I was just approached by a new club president who is an e-member of AIS.  Does an e-membership qualify for the affiliate member officer requirement or must they be a full member?
> Thank you.
> Howie Dash
> RVP Region 23/RVP Rep
> Sent from AOL Mobile Mail

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