AIS: In Your Backyard

Hello again folks,


The editorial deadline for the April 2010 issue is fast-approaching.  February 15 is the due date for columns and articles for the upcoming issue.  Your assistance and contributions are greatly appreciated!


In all likelihood, you’ll have your *new* January issue in a few weeks.  Please take a look at a section called “In Your Backyard”.  This is a great opportunity for any of our AIS members (and non-AIS members too!) to contribute little pieces about “what’s goin’ on” in your garden.  What varieties grew well this season?  What turned out to be your favorite cultivar?  Did you grow a new species and have tremendous success?  Did a few must-haves become must-composts?  Tell us your garden news!  Consider this your invitation for the April issue and beyond!


Many thanks to Alex and Kitty Stanton, Anita Moran, and Barbara Null for their contributions to the January issue!


Here's the redux:


1)      Send to your short (100-250 words) report about what's growing on in your neighborhood (like that gardenesque humor?)


2)      Send along a photo of yourself or of your garden (must be publishable quality, 300 dpi resolution, and a JPEG or TIFF)


Editorially yours,






Kelly D. Norris

Farm Manager, Rainbow Iris Farm

Editor, Bulletin of the American Iris Society

Bedford & Ames, IA

Zone 4b/5a

Read my blog at:


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