Fwd: FRENCH IRIS SOCIETY - condolences for Roy Epperson

Here is a copy of a very nice message received from the French Iris Society.


-------- Original Message --------
Subject: FRENCH IRIS SOCIETY - condolences for Roy Epperson
Date: Tue, 26 Jan 2010 16:39:02 +0100
From: ehemme@ccip.fr
To: AISFirst_VP@irises.org
CC: AISSecretary@irises.org

Dear Judy,
the board and the members of the French Iris Society feel deeply sad by the sudden loss of  your
president Roy Epperson.
Roy was our prinicipal judge at the 2005 FRANCIRIS event. His personality, his competence and his
outstanding communication skills will remain unforgettable. We spent a wonderful week together. I
had the honor to translate his speech for the price rewarding ceremony.
Since then he was always very helpful for highly technical questions, contact requests etc. With a
lot of interest we follow regularly the publications in the AIS bulletins. Last Saturday, during our
board meeting, we admired the photographs featuring Roy at a ceremony with a beautiful iris painted
May I express our deepest sympathy to the AIS board, members, his family and friends on behalf of
the French Iris Society .
Elisabeth Hemme
SFIB Vice-President

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