Re: Wiki and Irisregister

gary white wrote:
I believe that when the AIS BOD approved the Wiki, implicit in that approval was the right to use descriptions from the Registrations and Introductions.

I don't believe that the board as a whole understood that.

When the Iris Register was proposed, discussed,, and approved, protecting the intellectual property was a major concern. Use of data from the most recent R & I was not permitted, pending understanding of how sales of the printed R & I would be affected (not to make money, just trying to avoid having a huge unsold inventory). On the other hand, when the wiki was proposed, discussed, and approved the subject was not even mentioned. To me that is an indication that it was not being thought of.
I don't believe a motion is needed. If we go through the process of a motion approving the use of R&I information for the Wiki, doesn't that then mean that we will also need motions for EVERY other use of this information.

We needed a motion to create the wiki. I am hoping to clarify what that motion meant.

The other activities you mention may or may not have been created by board action, but a detailing of what is considered "proper use" of the information may be in order. If one already exists, I feel sure it predates the internet age.

Of course, if the board feels that wiki use of the data is okay without further action, that is fine.Such a consensus would be ideal. I am not in favor of roadblocks.

I really wish this discussion had occurred when the wiki was being proposed.

And I must say that I appreciate the positive quality of your email, Gary.


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