Re: Irisregister and the Wiki


John's email was in response to a harried phone call from me during Friday night's Iris Chat. I was aghast to find out that some of the chatters were copying information from the irisregister and pasting it into the wiki. It seemed that one of John's greatest fears, loss of intellectual property, was already coming to pass.

When I suggested in the chat that the actions might be wrong, the replies were on the order of "the docents allow it, so it must be ok," "Bob Pries surely got board approval for everything before starting the project," "You mean AIS wants to restrict what I can do with information I paid for?" and (I think) "I am a docent and I was not told of any such restrictions."

So I called John and he got this discussion started.


Although a cease and desist order needed to be mentioned in passing for the sake of completeness, it will certainly not be necessary for the current situation. If the board decides that such copying is not appropriate, those who have been doing it, or intending to do so, will refrain from it.

A very wide range of positions could be taken by the board, with some arguments for any of them. One extreme would be to close down the wiki, which would be the surest way to protect the intellectual property. The other extreme would be to automate the copying of R&I data into the wiki, or even pre-seed the wiki with all of the introductions.

Much more reasonable middle grounds would be to simply place instructions in the wiki (and irisregister if needed) with whatever policy is approved by the board, either yea or nay. I think such an explanation will be sufficient.

A very interesting issue.


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