To All Who Need Expense Reimbursements for AIS Business:

Within the last couple of weeks, circumstances have changed regarding the Secretary's Office that need to be addressed in order to make the paying of AIS bills quicker.  

Patricia Randall is dealing with serious family health issues that will continue for awhile, and so we are changing our voucher preparation procedures to relieve her of some of the offices' responsibilities and move them to the Treasurer to keep the flow of AIS business moving smoothly. 

I have discussed this with Jeanne Plank and Roy Epperson and  both agree with this temporary change.  

EFFECTIVE TODAY JANUARY 6, 2007, AND UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE, PLEASE SEND ALL BILLS AND RECEIPTS FOR EXPENSE REIMBURSEMENT TO ME, JILL BONINO, TREASURER.  My mailing address is 3110 Kirkham Drive, Glendale, CA  91206...or you can FAX them to me at 818-790-4632 or send them by email attachment at  (NEW EMAIL ADDRESS).  

I will prepare expense vouchers which will continue to be signed by Jeanne Plank as President or Roy Epperson as First Vice President.   Upon receiving written approval for each expense, I will send out checks for payment.

This is a TEMPORARY CHANGE that will be discussed at the Oklahoma City AIS Board meeting in May.  A permanent change of this nature will involve amending Article VII Sections 6 and 7 of the AIS ByLaws.  

If you also send deposit checks to Patricia, please continue to do so.  She will still make the bank deposits.  She will also prepare vouchers for any bills that are in transit as of today.  

If you have any questions, please let me know.  

Jeanne, Roy & I wish Patricia and her husband a speedy recovery.

Jill Bonino,

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