Documents Page

Just a reminder: The AIS Board mailing listsAISDiscuss, AISVote, and AISConfer are configured to NOT allow attachments to protect you all from viruses, trojans etc.

As a result we have a page on the website that can be used to make documents available to list members that you might normally want to attach to an email (e.g., preliminary treasurer reports). In order to retrieve documents you need an ID and Password.

The ID and Password for retrieving documents from the documents page:


ID: aisdocs
PW: readme

(Remembering of course that this is NOT part of the AIS Website but part of the website.)

If you need something posted to the aisdocs page please send it to me and I will post it for everyone to have access to.

John | "There be dragons here"
| Annotation used by ancient cartographers
| to indicate the edge of the known world.

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