Re: AIS Handbook Revision mtg TUESDAY Feb 2

Sorry, but I will not be present for.

Neil Houghton, AIS Image Coordinator
AIS Digital Program Coordinator
Greater Rochester IRIS Society
3873 Rush Mendon Rd
Mendon, NY 14506
Sent from my iPad

On Jan 31, 2021, at 12:07 PM, Claire S <> wrote:

Hi Everyone:
At this meeting, Chapter 3 Awards and Honors is on the menu. 
Chapter 3 is in the Google Drive folder.
If there's time, we'd like to work on Chapter 8, too, which is in its folder.

We would like to use the time in this meeting for discussing content.  
Please send all wordsmith (grammar, punctuation and spelling) suggestions to Claire before this meeting.  Your input is important, so don't be shy.  

Claire Schneider

Here's the invite to the zoom meeting.  

Topic: AIS Handbook Revision 
Time: Feb 2, 2021 05:00 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)

Click here to Join Zoom Meeting

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