2016 Geek Dinner Information
Dear Folks,
Below is the information for the 17th Annual Geek Dinner in Newark, NJ.
MAY 27, 2016
What a great way to have dinner for anyone! Have you heard how much fun the Geek Dinner and Auction are? Eat with geeks and non-geeks that have learned what a fun time everyone has. You don't have to be a computer person to attend ...just join a bunch of great iris folks for dinner. First, a reception style dinner and good conversation among iris friends and then, door prizes and an auction for more entertainment.
After having spent your day getting off the tour bus ...rushing around the garden trying not to miss anything ...then back on the bus to the next garden to repeat the same thing again ...there is no better way to wind down your day than a relaxed evening with friends at the Geek Dinner reviewing all those iris that are now on your "wish list."
First there is the reception style dinner meandering through all the food stations with all your friends and making new ones. If you happen to be a subscriber to one of the iris lists or electronic robins, you can meet other members and put faces to all those funny email names. Of course there is a great meal.
Then the real fun for the night… Sit down for the Geek Dinner Auction where you get to bid on new iris introductions, gift certificates from commercial iris growers, and iris themed items. The proceeds from the auction go directly into the American Iris Society Electronics Services fund that sponsors such things as the digital projector for slide shows, online AIS Bulletin archives, and other electronic services. Oh and of course some great doorprizes.
Now is the time to make plans for the, 17th annual Geek Dinner being held during the AIS 2016 Spring Convention. Meet new friends and catch up with old ones.
Reservations always fill up fast and unfortunately pre-registration is necessary. PLEASE RSVP with your check and email address to Joanne Prass-Jones as soon as possible.
COST: $35.00 (not included in convention registration fee)
DATE: Friday, May 27
TIME: 5:30pm - 8:00pm
LOCATION: Salons D & E
Reception stations of Fruit & Cheese, Raw Vegetable Crudité with Dips , A Hot Pasta Station with Fusilli with Sundried Tomatoes, Mozzarella and a Gnocchi Bolognese., Chef selection of a Dessert item, Coffee Tea, Decafe and Soft beverages
To ensure your place you must RSVP to Joanne Prass-Jones and send her your check
Email: joanne@usjoneses.com
Phone: (510) 795-9723
Make check payable to: Joanne Prass-Jones
Mailing address: 35572 Linda Dr, Fremont, CA 94536
(Please include your email address on your check so that Joanne can acknowledge your reservation)
Also, if you have items to donate to the auction, please let John Jones know at: jijones@usjoneses.com as soon as possible so we can prepare the auction.
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