Re: Library "Stuff"

Thanks Dana:

   As I told dfave, I don't know what computerpunch cards are. What I was
thinking that if there was any correspondence between Bea Warburton and the
Registrar  and if they were on post cards,There may be some value-- even for
the AIS auction. Dave

-----Original Message-----
From: Dana Brown <>
To: aisdiscuss <>
Sent: Mon, Feb 18, 2013 7:06 pm
Subject: RE: [AISdiscuss] Library "Stuff"

With or without the pictures I would think that if the info is
uplicated in the digital bulletin index then there would be no reason for
eeping the index cards.  My vote would be to shred and have a confetti
arty!!  LOL

ana D. Brown
alevil Iris Gardens & Kennels
ubbock, TX  79403
one 7 USDA, Zone 10 Sunset
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