Re: 2014 Convention in Dallas

I would like to thank the AIS Board of Directors for accepting the invitation from the Iris Society of Dallas to host the 2014 AIS Convention.  It was not what I really wanted to do since they were hosting it in 2013 but, I could get no one else to step forward with an invitation nor was their anyone interested in hosting in 2014.  

The Iris Society of Dallas will work very hard in making the 2014 convention just as enjoyable and fun as the 2013 convention,

Again, Thank you.


---------- Original Message ----------
From: Michelle Snyder <>
Subject: [AISdiscuss] 2014 Convention in Dallas
Date: Fri, 10 Feb 2012 17:23:33 -0700

The time for voting on the below motion has now passed.  The motion 
carried.  As such, thanks to Paul's very hard work we now have a spring 
convention through 2015.

"That the AIS Board of Directors accept the invitation from the Iris 
Society of Dallas to host the 2014 AIS National Convention."


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