Re: A Friendly Alert

I understand RVPs are already included in this list so was hoping they would pass the information along to their members and affiliates.  The other possible method of getting this info to the affiliates is through the AFFILIATES LIAISON's new discuss group...
JODY NOLIN: any way you can post this?

On 28 February 2010 14:24, <> wrote:
I suggest sending this out to all the Regions and Societies.
In a message dated 2/28/2010 1:29:16 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, writes:
Hello All,
Since some of you may be considering attending the 2011 AIS Nat'l Convention in Canada you may be interested in the following.
I read in my local paper, The Toronto Star, that "(Canadian) Tourism industry officials in Toronto and Niagara Falls say they are shocked to learn the US State Department plans to raise passport fees by as much as 35%;...from $100 to $135...which could come into effect in mid-March."
If you are in need of a passport you may want to look at starting the process now, before the increase!
Kate Brewitt
2011 Convention Publicity Committee
AIS Region 16 RVP

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