Hi All I just paid $550 for a high resolution scanner, mainly for scanning slides but it is also a flatbed scanner for documents. The new bulletin format demands larger high resolution scans. The Epsom V700 is probably not what you want for this particular application. Slide scanners are becoming obsolete (going out of production) and I am not ready to give up on my 10,000 slides without a fight! I realize that a document scanner/printer may not be the same kind of animal. I think a lazer printer is for reproduceable information. Digital information is becoming essential these days. We can get information to Russia, Europe, South Africa or Australia (and all points in between) in minutes and for almost free. Terry Today is “dry” and I’m gonna kill weeds!
-----Original Message-----
Hello In my opinion it would be less expensive to purchase a combination printer scanner I have one that I paid 99.00 it is a kodak and does a great job on pictures. Spending 165.00 fora scanner seems expensive Lynn Hess RVP Region 12 From:
plankmail@aol.com I second Jim's motion: "I move that the AIS Librarian be authorized to purchase an HP Scanjet 3970 or equivalent scanner for use in the AIS Library."
In my opinion such a purchase would/could come out of either the AIS Library restricted funds -- or out of the Foundation's Library Fund Account. The Foundation has, in the past, been the source of funds for the purchase of important library equipment. It would seem to me that whatever the source -- there should be funds in the AIS Library restricted accounts to accommodate the purchase of an important library tool -- a scanner.
Jeanne Clay Plank AIS Immediate Past President
On Feb 26, 2010, at 7:38 PM, MORRISJE1@aol.com wrote: