Re: Turner Publishing agreement

Good Evening Terry,
The Turner calendar sounds great.  I vote "go for it"!  As we know from the
budget report at the Fall Board Meeting we had to accept the proposed
unbalanced budget.  Perhaps this will be a way of adding to our coffers
without a debit on the short side.  Way back in 1974, or there abouts, I
purchased a gardening or some type of horticultural magazine and noted in
their adds that I could send for this big full color catalog on irises from
a company by the name of Schreiner's!  I had grown irises for a couple of
years prior, and was severely struck by the iris virus!  You all know the
BUG---so getting the word out, by any means possible has to be a "win-win"
situation as it has been for me.  If it brings in a few new members we are
that much richer in $$$ and new friends.  Patricia

----- Original Message -----
From: "Terry Aitken" <>
To: <>
Sent: Tuesday, February 14, 2006 10:54 AM
Subject: [AISdiscuss] Turner Publishing agreement

> Hi Again everybody.
> Turner would like to have a signed agreement this week if possible. I
> should be ready to send photos this week if we get the agreement taken
> care of. Unlike last year, this year we are a "known quantity" to each
> other. I think the whole process will go much smoother. I will summarize
> the agreement.
> -There will be no financial risk to AIS.
> -Publisher to pay 10% royalty to AIS based on a retail price of $12.95
> (+$3.95 shipping)
> -Publisher to creat promotional pieces for advertizing in AIS news
> sources(bulletin) and to promote pre-publication orders(@40% discount)
> -Publisher to market the calendars through outside channels -on-line
> retailers, specialty calendar retailers and targeted retailers.
> -Publisher to retain publishing rights , AIS to retain copyright to
> published material.
> -Publisher to do layout with approval of AIS rep.
> -AIS to appoint representative to review and approve calendar project.
> -AIS to assist in promotion of the calendar by newsletters, website
> link, and press releases from time to time.
> -AIS to allow promotional pieces to its members after calendar has been
> published.
>     Last year , we balked at sending a mailer to members and, instead,
> sent a mailer to the affiliates.
> Last year, we did not have a link to the website. (I think I was getting
> nervous about the late delivery)
> Barring serious objections from the board, I will sign this agreement
> Thursday night and mail photos over the weekend. Photos used will not
> identify the cultivar other than Medal winners. AIS website will be
> prominantly dislayed on the calendar.
> Terry
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