Re: AIS eRobins

In a message dated 2/11/2005 8:54:09 AM Central Standard Time, writes:
Then, having such a person, put an announcement  in the Bulletin that 
anyone who lives in an area without an iris club who would  like to see one 
established, contact the Membership Growth crazy person  (MGCP).  The MGCP 
would then identify someone in the applicable region  willing to lend a hand, 
organize an exhibition and/or rhizome sale in a  mall. At the show/sale, sign 
up new members and get them to commit to be a VP,  treasurer, editor, etc.  I 
could go on, but I am sure you get the thrust of  the idea.  Clarence
The MGCP would also need to work with the RVPs and their Membership Chair for 
the following reason:

AIS MemSec sends quarterly to each RVP and its Membership Chair a complete 
AIS Membership list for their Region.  By cross checking the AIS list with the 
Region's complete Membership list (hopefully kept by each Region from their 
Affiliate Reports), it is easy to identify which AIS members DO NOT belong to an 
Affiliate!  For 2004, this number was close to 18% of the total Region 18 
Membership (the second largest AIS Region).  Granted, some of these 
"non-Affilates" are Libraries, elderly not able to attend meetings, etc. but there is a 
resource of names from which to solicit areas needing a new 

So I think an article in the Bulletin, as Clarence suggested, would be a good 
idea. The RVP rep could initially present a "Checklist of things to do to 
establish new Affiliates" to the RVPs.  Sharing "Crazy Ideas" would be valuable 
to all!

Rita Gormley
Gormley Greenery
Cedar Hill, MO
AIS Region 18, Zone 5

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