Re: AIS Position Appointments

I also would like to vote yes to approve Andi's appointment. I can't register my vote. All devices including my phone currently work but are not the recognized device to vote from. Unfortunately the internet is not currently working on that device.
Thank you
Ron Cosner

Sent from my Verizon Wireless 4G LTE DROID

Michelle Snyder <> wrote:

Hi Ron,

There is absolutely no problem with you being Advertising Editor.  Unfortunately we had approved Gordon Carver as your replacement when Jim advised us that do to persoal reasons you were resigning your position.  I don't recall Gordon ever actually taking over the position but since he was appointed I do have to make another a motion to approve President Gary Whites recommendation.  PLEASE do not take this as a problem.

All, with the motion to approve Andi out to vote I can not put another motion out to vote until the time frame for voting on the current motion is over.  This was my fault as I had forgot that we had officially approved a new adverting editor via email voting.  I will be making the motion to approve Ron as Advertising Editor as soon as it is appropriate.


On 12/19/2015 7:24 AM, Ron K wrote:
Hey, board, if it is a hassle for me to keep the job as Advertising Editor, I'll be glad to give it up.  I am working on renewing 50+ shopping section ads and it is more horrible than pulling teeth.  The cut off was Dec 15.  I sent out renewal notices in Sep.  Still have advertisers with millions of excuses and still not able to give final report to the editor.  It is the same thing every year.  I know we want to keep our advertisers but too many of them simply put this off until after the last moment and then they decide they want to replace their ad and expect the editor to fix it, make a new one for them, etc.

So, I can gladly do without the job if anyone else would like it.

Gordon never really took over from me so I don't see what the problem might be.

Ron Killingsworth, possible advertising editor, IRISES

On 12/19/2015 7:53 AM, Robert Pries wrote:
It is a sad policy that the board micro-manages everything the president does but nonetheless I vote yes to approve Andi as Strategic planning chair.

From: "Michelle Snyder" <>
Sent: Friday, December 18, 2015 5:50:51 PM
Subject: Re: [AISdiscuss] AIS Position Appointments

As is the policy of the AIS, the BOD must approve all appointments requested by the President.  Since Ron is just continuing in his position as Advertising Editor I do not believe a motion is necessary.  However even though the Strategic Planning Committee is an Ad Hoc Committee I make the following motion:

"That we approve Andy Rivarola as the Chairman of the Strategic Planning Committee"

Michelle Snyder
AIS Secretary

On 12/17/2015 8:31 AM, gary white wrote:
Hello all,

I'm pleased to announce two appointments today. 
The first is a continuation of the Ad Editor position, and I'm very happy to tell you that Ron Killingsworth will be continuing to serve as the Advertising Editor for IRISES.  Ron has admirably performed the duties of this position for the past few years.  Its not so much a welcome back (since he never really left the position), as it is a Thank You Ron, and we're happy you're staying with us !

And, I'm equally happy to announce that Andi Rivarola will be Chairman of the Strategic Planning Committee for the American Iris Society.  Most of you know Andi.  He is currently the Social Media Manager for AIS, serves on the PR committee and the 2020 Celebration Committee;  and at the AIS Fall Board meeting in Omaha, Andi was elected Second Vice-President of the American Iris Society.  Andi will be reaching out to many of you for information, ideas, suggestions in the coming weeks and months.  And, if you have ideas and thoughts about how we can move AIS forward, providing better services and products for our members, building our membership, developing our resources, and strengthening our organization into the future, please don't hesitate to contact Andi and me with those comments.

Thank you,

Gary E. White
President, American Iris Society 

Bob Pries
Zone 7a
Roxboro, NC

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