I am no longer a "director" but I agree with Robert. I am on the
board of three other non-profits, one much large than AIS with
hundreds of thousands of dollars. I attend the semi-annual meeting
of this organization's board twice a year. The board meeting takes
1 1/2 hour. The trustee meeting of a educational foundation of this
organization that administers thousands of dollars of educational
grants to between 50-75 young people, takes about 1 hour.
By-laws should be flexible enough to allow officers to act without
being micro-managed by the board members/directors, whatever.
Every time I attended a board meeting of AIS I was always amazed at
the way every little thing is addressed and argued over. I am truly
glad to have ended my term on the board/directorship of AIS.
Just the thoughts of one person.
Ron Killingsworth, Adv Editor, IRISES (or am I?)
On 12/20/2015 12:22 PM, Robert Pries
I am saying the board
micro-manages. this is an ad hoc committee. the bylaws do not
say a president cannot appoint an ad hoc chair. The Bylaws
thankfully do not address everything. As is the bylaws are
written too specifically for many things. GOOD Bylaws give
officers and boards more flexibility. For example we should
never had to have a Bylaws change to add e-membership. The
Bylaws should have simple stated that the board could authorize
other types of memberships. If you have some very important
issue that conflicted with the bylaws because of their
specificity it would take too long in our modern age to
correct the problem. What I suggested does not conflict with the
bad bylaws we currently have.
From: "Gerry Snyder"
To: aisdiscuss@aisboard.org
Sent: Saturday, December 19, 2015 9:24:22 AM
Subject: Re: [AISdiscuss] AIS Position Appointments
Article VI of our bylaws states:
"The AIS Board of Directors shall, in furtherance of the
purposes of the AIS, have the
authority to create and appoint committees and delegate to
such committees powers
and functions as seem proper."
Are you saying it is sad that we follow our bylaws??????
Gerry Snyder
On 12/19/2015 6:53 AM, Robert Pries wrote:
It is a sad
policy that the board micro-manages everything the
president does but nonetheless I vote yes to approve Andi
as Strategic planning chair.
From: "Michelle
Snyder" <102x@rewrite.aisboard.org>
To: aisdiscuss@aisboard.org
Sent: Friday, December 18, 2015 5:50:51 PM
Subject: Re: [AISdiscuss] AIS Position
As is the policy of the AIS, the BOD must approve all
appointments requested by the President. Since Ron is
just continuing in his position as Advertising Editor I
do not believe a motion is necessary. However even
though the Strategic Planning Committee is an Ad Hoc
Committee I make the following motion:
"That we approve Andy Rivarola as the Chairman of the
Strategic Planning Committee"
Michelle Snyder
AIS Secretary
Bob Pries
Zone 7a
Roxboro, NC