Re: Good News!!

WOW! Hats off to you Bob.  George Boyce, Glenara Gardens, AIS R3VP

-----Original Message-----
From: Robert Pries <>
To: aisdiscuss <>
Sent: Sun, Dec 25, 2011 2:15 pm
Subject: Re: [AISdiscuss] Good News!!

We have hit a new benchmark. The Iris Encyclopedia now has over 40,000
ages. The Iris Register I am told has 65,000 registered names and with
nregistered, and botanical names included there should be no more than 80,000
ames total, so we are somewhere between 50% and 60% of complete. It seems
ikely we will be up to that by this summer.
ut we have approximately only 30,000 images. So you history detectives can
s find many images that are missing. It is a delight to see pages with 10 to
mages.  So ultimately we could have over a million images. With now over 300
elpers it is my wish for the New Year that we can top this last year. Thanks
gain to everyone and have a great New Year.
lease excuse my cross posting the good news.
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