Re: Paying for registrations
Thanks Bob for fulfilling my request as to the basis of registrations. I
talked to Kevin Walek, the registrar for daylilies. H e told me that they do
charge the same fee for overseas registrations but there is no intermediary
such as what we have. I don't know whether nwe can compare apples with apples
or noy in this situation. I beleieve Poland regsters daylilies as does
Australia and maybe South Africa. I didn't ask Kevin this but I do know that
Russia has a problem with setting seeds since their season is late and a short
one so that seeds don't get a chance to mature unless they bring the stem
inside and let the seeds mature from the stem. So, they may not be getting
such a wide range of cultivars as we get in the iris world. Dave
-----Original Message-----
From: Robert Pries <>
To: AISdiscuss <>
Sent: Fri, Dec 3, 2010 4:22 pm
Subject: [AISdiscuss] Paying for registrations
Charging for Registration.
Paul Black had indicated that it would be unfair to charge USA hybridizers
ot Overseas hybridizers for registering an Iris. I agree and it will probably
urprise Paul and the board that that is not what happens. Dave had asked
hether we could charge by the rules set for us as a ICRA for Irises. I will
ry to answer both since This is a terribly busy time for the Registrar. IVRA
tand for International Cultivar Registration Authority and ICRAs are governed
y the ISHS (International Society for Horticultural Science) and their
ommission for Nomenclature and Cultivar Registration. The Chairman of the
ommission is Dr. Janet Cubey. I have talked with her several times over
everal years, although not since I moved to NC. I was delighted that she knew
e from the SIGNA checklist I created and she liked. B She also noted that
ur registrar for Iris is one of the best. Although the rules are spelled out
n the International Horticultural Code, I do not have a copy and can not site
hapter and verse but can only give you a summary. There is no numerical limit
n what we can charge but it should not be much more than the costs involved
n fulfilling our mandate. Our mandate is to get Irises registered and to make
he registration information easily available to the horticultural world. This
s one of the primary roles that created the American Iris Society and many of
ur founders where also involved in the foundation of the ISHS. You could
rgue that the AISbs reason for being started out of the need to make sense
f all the Iris names in commerce in the 1920s.
Now to answer Pauls problem. Overseas Irises come to the AIS registrar
ssistant registrars for different parts of the World. These assistant gather
he registrations and translate the language to English so that Mike can work
ith them to put into the registry, Each registrar can collect fees for the
rises they send on to Mike. This varies by assistant but in some parts of the
orld people have grumbled that they are paying too much to register an Iris.
have seen letters asking for us to register directly but this could be a
ery difficult task because of all the languages involved. So although the AIS
s not receiving money for these registrations you could say, that that money
s what we would have to pay for translations and assembling the
egistrations. I know that people overseas have requested sponsors from the
SA to help get their plants registered. If we would follow Pauls thought of
urning the registration over to another organization I am certain what
merican hybridizers pay would go up dramatically. Registration is the Pearl
n AISs crown. We would be only another Iris Society without it. Why is
veryone suggesting ideas that would diminish our Society? Certainly we could
eview the various charges and see if there is anyway that we could improve on
airness, but our primary goal is to get plants properly registered and that
nformation publicized.
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