RE: Good News-Bulletin Scanning Project


I'll check my collection of Bulletins; I'm sure that I have some from the
80s and 90s that I'll be glad to donate. 

For the early years please check with HIPS. I donated some of the early
Bulletins to them after I acquired them from the daylily archivist, who is a

Susan Grigg

-----Original Message-----
From: []
On Behalf Of John I Jones
Sent: Thursday, December 02, 2010 4:12 PM
Subject: Re: [AISdiscuss] Good News-Bulletin Scanning Project

Susan, et. alia

AIS Bulletin Scanning Project

The AIS Foundation has funded a project to convert our past bulletin  
issues into electronic, searchable documents. Our bulletins will be  
scanned in color and greyscale, converted to text (Optical Character  
Recognition), made into a PDF and indexed. They will be made  
available online and at the AIS Library (and perhaps a few other  
library locations)

When the scanning company prepares the documents for scanning, they  
will cut them apart by trimming off the binding edge or cutting them  
along the fold (called destructive scanning although the pages  
themselves are not destroyed). There is an option to NOT have them  
cut apart but it is significantly more expensive and we do not have  
the budget to have them all done that way. Certainly those bulletins  
with very limited availability will be non-destructively scanned.

In the attached PDF is a list of AIS Bulletins that I do not have in  
my collection that are needed for the bulletin scanning project. If  
you have any of the issues that are listed and are willing to donate  
them to the project, please email me at with  
the issue number. I will send you shipping instructions. I am also  
going to check with the AIS Library to see what issues they can supply.

The biggest impediment to getting the project completed is the lack  
of these bulletins. I will get everything started with the bulleting  
I have in my collection (about 150 out of approx 300 not counting the  
ones we have electronically), and I will get the process started with  
them very shortly.

Please review the list and let me know what issues you would be  
willing to donate. Your issues can be returned to you afterwards if  
you wish

Thank you

John I Jones
Chair, AIS Electronic Services Committee

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