Re: Donations Request
I wasn't sure if I understood this entirely.
Does your term "requested unrestricted donations" mean that your letter
is requesting donations from the clubs to AIS to resolve the budget deficit?
Or did it mean that hopefully clubs will send in the typical memorial
contributions (donations) directly to AIS and not the Foundation or other
places that wouldn't directly help the A.I.S. general fund?
----- Original Message -----
From: "Jill Bonino" <>
To: <>
Sent: Thursday, December 17, 2009 9:39 PM
Subject: Re: [AISdiscuss] Loberg Questions on AIS Library exhibits-change
subject line to Board Action of AIS Discuss
RE: Board of Directors Donations Request...
I mailed out 205 letters to each President of an affiliate, section and
cooperating society, and RVP of each region as of Dec 15th explaining our
2010 estimated budget deficit of $14,000 and requested unrestricted
donations in any amount be sent to the new Donations Secretary Lynn
I used the new addresses of RVPs and Section/coop society Presidents handed
out at the Fall Board meeting along with the latest list of affiliates that
Rita sent me in early December.
I asked for any comments or questions on the AIS' financial status and I
will pass those along as I get them...
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